With the comedian Carmiya Weinraub
An Orthodox American Woman. A secular Israeli man. She has five kids. He is raising his wife. Her English is perfect. He speaks Falafel. Carmiya Weinraub and Erik Angel present a hysterical night of clean, kosher comedy that will make your life better.
Israelis doing comedy in English
Talking Sabra
A special night filled with laughter, with the best Israeli comedians in America. A night of comedy without borders- Jews, Israelis, Ashkenazim, Sephardim, Religious, reformed, American culture, and everything in between.
The Nudniks
A Hilarious Night of Comedy
A unique meeting of two generations of comedy, with Steve Marshall, a veteran Jewish comedian from Brooklyn. Marshall and Angel present an
energetic, smart, original, hilarious and unusual comedy night. The dynamic
between them creates an extraordinary experience that you don’t want to miss.